Saturday 14 January 2012


Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old Indian medical tradition with a focus on preventative and holistic healthcare, and it's uses in areas like Hypertension, Diabetes and Arthritis are now being explored.

We're delighted to present a talk from Dr Eduardo Cardona-Sanclemente, PhD, Doctor of Sciences and the Scientific Director of the Ayurvedic Practitioners Association (APA) UK, giving us an introduction to Ayurveda, it's current applications in healthcare, and a chance to quiz an expert.

As ever, free refreshments will be provided, including herbal teas and snacks, and we highly encourage you to come to this unique event.

Please RSVP ASAP at the Facebook event, as we need to know rough numbers by Tuesday.

What? "Ayurveda: An Introduction" talk by Dr Eduardo Cardona-Sanclemente
When? Thursday 2nd February, 5:45pm (5:30 for refreshments) - 19:00
Where? Percy Roberts Room (Gordon Museum) Hodgkin Building, Guy's Campus
Cost? Free

Alison Liu
IMS President 2012