Sunday 25 October 2009


Ayurveda - Literally meaning the "Science of life", Ayurveda is an entire system of alternative medicine that originates in ancient India. It's philosophy, over 5000 years old, aims to prevent illness and promote health by balancing the mind, body and spirit. It aims to treat the whole person by providing a system of holistic healthcare.

In our first interactive talk of the year, Dr Dana Bezanav Urban, an Ayurvedic Practitioner who also has a PhD in Pharmacy from KCL, will give us an overview of its theory, clinical applications and evidence for its effectiveness. Dr Urban’s work in both western and eastern medicine gives her a unique blend of experience to talk about Ayurvedic medicine and its uses today.

The event is FREE FOR ALL and will be taking place on…
Date: Thur 29th October

Venue: Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Guy's Campus
Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Snacks and refreshments will be provided and we will be having a social afterwards at Guy’s bar – so don’t miss out!

See you there!

Sunday 20 September 2009


A warm welcome to King's College London Integrative Medicine Society.

We aim to build a platform for discussion about the use of different complementary and alternative therapies. Through talks and workshops, we hope to learn about these therapies and look at the evidence behind them.

Feel free to send us an email if you would like to be put on the mailing list or want to get involved with the society! We look forward to hearing from you.